Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The purpose of this blog branch is to provide a space where plan administrators, plan participants, and others who deal with State Street can share information about their misgivings.

Something about the way State Street deals with your organization's pension plan bothering you? Something about the way they "explain" their fee structure rubbing you the wrong way? Something about the way they "answer" your questions not sitting well with you?

Chances are, you're not alone. Not by a long shot.

But just like a carnival's shell game operator keeps each new mark separated from the prior one, so too does State Street.

So, check in here to share your State Street experiences, and to see what your fellow plan administrators, plan participants, and others who deal with State Street's shenanigans have to say. Compare notes.

And be sure to stop by sttLitigants, frequently, to see how State Street litigates against clients who catch wise, declare shenanigans, and demand a refund of their pension plan's carnival ticket money.

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